[Inspection Process
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[Borad Of Controls
[Cultivation Associations] 
Master Data A 
Inspection A 
Master Data BD 
Inspection BD 
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Cultivation associations
take part directly as a system partner in the certification process. That digitally prepared inspection protocols enable a transparent and standardized approval process. Because of this the inspection reports are comparable with one another. This eases the statistical analysis. A simplified contribution calculation is possible for example cultivated crops. This digitally raised data, supplemented with  the livestock, make it already possible by may 15th to give exact information to the taker about the expected or market ready products.



Association guidelines
We gladly make, according to contract, adaptations to the software for association specific guidelines for you. The base for most association specific questions are already contained in the data base. In the master data of a company, numerous entries are acquired, that lead to an automatic reply of association specific questions. Therefore these questions must not be acquired again by an inspector. This shortens the inspection process considerably.



Example - Demeter guidelines
In the mater data of a company are statements about the livestock (type, amount, stable area) and the field record (size, crop) stored. Out of these annually updated statements by the Board of Control the following questions are answered completely automatically.


3.1 there is a own livestock husbandry

This entry is automatically generated from the mater data.

      with an appendant feed crop

      roughage feed eaters are kept



Example - Bioland / Biokreis guidelines

  1. Association contributions
    In the questionnaires will be accumulative questions about the cultivated crops, with that the association contributions will be calculated. Information about the field record (size, culture) is stored in the master data of a company.
    • the addition of market fruit areas with compensation A
    • the addition of feed crop with compensation F
    • the addition of suspension areas
    • the addition of field vegetable crop
    These entries automatically lead to an automatic entry in the association specific questioners.
  2. Asset limit according to association guidelines.
    The entry in the master data about stables and stable areas in combination with the updating of the livestock existence, calculates automatically the livestock limit.

  3. Feed purchase
    With OEKOKON, the approved and not approved feed purchase is already acquired in the EC-inspection. This detection leads to an entry into the association specification questionnaires about the type, quantity and quality of the feed purchase (Demeter, associations generally, KBA, Bioland).

